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I’m not huge on giving my first graders food treats, or anything treasure-box related, but I’m a big fan of positive praise and good old fashioned love and attention!
I give my students certificates when they show exceptional leadership, I draw big stars on their papers when I think it is their best work, and I love using these easy-to-prep bracelets to remind kiddos and their families of important events or simply to share successes from that school day!
Since I give out certificates to my students who clipped up multiple times, I use the bracelets to randomly spotlight great behavior and if I’m using one of the reminder bracelets, like the picture day one for example, I typically will ask my students who wants to wear it and who wants to just take it home.
I try to always make things a choice in my classroom, but about 95% of the time, my firsties like the novelty of being able to wear their note home! 🙂
To make my life easier, I have my reminder/positive note bracelets already printed on Astrobrights paper and cut out ready to go.  This saves time for those last-minute reminders, and it allows me to be able to send more of the positive ones home on a regular basis.
Want to use these in your classroom?  Simply click on the button below!
And while your looking at classroom management ideas, check out my printable POST-IT notes!


  1. LOVE these and want to use them for my 3rd graders! When I click the big "DOWNLOAD" banner, it just displays the image of the DOWNLOAD – but doesnt take me to the actual bracelets. Can you share the link with me ( Thanks so much!

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